3KVA Hybrid Packages are ideal solutions to power most domestic needs such as fridge, 1HP Booster Pump, entertainment (TV, decoder, radio and DVD player), Wi-Fi, Phone and Laptop Charging.


  • Supplementing grid electricity where it is intermittent or unreliable
  • Off-grid areas

The basic solar system allows you to:

  1. Power your fridge
  2. 1HP Booster Pump
  3. Microwave & Washing Machine
  4. Light your home and Power 1 x Television
  5. Charge Phones, Tablets and Laptop
  6. Power Wi-Fi

3kva Entry Option A - $1,600

This option is the most ideal for houses which are connected to ZESA and want to build the foundation for a 3KVA system. This package consists of:

  • 1 x 3KVA Must Hybrid Inverter (China)
  • 2 x 330 Watts Mono Solar Panel (China)
  • 1 x 100 AH (Amp-Hours), 24 Volts Lithium Ion Battery (China)
  • Surge & Lightning Protection plus Change-Over Switch
  • Cables (Limited to 20 meters AC Cable and 20 meters DC Cable)
  • Trunking (3 lengths)

3kva Standard Option B - $1,900

This package is the standard entry package for users who want the convenience of powering household appliances. In can work as either a back-up system or for off-grid applications. Where clients procure the entire package from us, we will install for free. This package consists of:

  • 1 x 3KVA Must Hybrid Inverter (China)
  • 4 x 330 Watts Mono Solar Panel (China)
  • 1 x 100 AH (Amp-Hours), 24 Volts Lithium Ion Battery (China)
  • Surge & Lightning Protection plus Change-Over Switch
  • Cables (Limited to 20 meters AC Cable and 20 meters DC Cable)
  • Trunking (3 lengths)

3kva Prime Option C - $2,400

This package is the standard entry package for users who want the convenience of powering household appliances without interruptions. In can work as either a back-up system or for off-grid applications. Where clients procure the entire package from us, we will install for free. This package consists of:

  • 1 x 3KVA Must Hybrid Inverter (China)
  • 4 x 330 Watts Mono Solar Panel (China)
  • 1 x 150 AH (Amp-Hours), 24 Volts Lithium Ion Battery (China)
  • Surge & Lightning Protection plus Change-Over Switch
  • Cables (Limited to 20 meters AC Cable and 20 meters DC Cable)
  • Trunking (3 lengths)

3kva Premium Option D - $2,900

This package is the standard entry package for users who want the convenience of powering household appliances without interruptions. In can work as either a back-up system or for off-grid applications. Where clients procure the entire package from us, we will install for free. This package consists of:

  • 1 x 3KVA Must Hybrid Inverter (China)
  • 6 x 330 Watts Mono Solar Panel (China)
  • 1 x 200 AH (Amp-Hours), 24 Volts Lithium Ion Battery (China)
  • Surge & Lightning Protection plus Change-Over Switch
  • Cables (Limited to 20 meters AC Cable and 20 meters DC Cable)
  • Trunking (3 lengths)